Den här videon/låten är så bövligt bra! ÄLSKA TOM PETTY! Att mitt wildcard, Johnny "too hot to handle" Depp, försigkommer i en video om (min) framtid(en) ser jag som ett "litet" plus i kanten. ;)
3 kommentarer:
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Bonjour I'd love to thank you for such a great made forum! Just thought this is a nice way to introduce myself! In order to acquire revenue it is usually a good idea to begin a savings or investing plan as early in life as obtainable. But don't despair if you have not thought of saving your money until later on in life. As a result of hard work, that is consulting the best investment vehicles for your capital you can slowly but surely increase your wealth so that it adds up to a huge sum by the period you want to retire. Contemplate all of the applicable asset classes from stocks to real estate as investments for your money. A smartly diversified portfolio of investments in different asset classes will help your money expand through the years.
Carina är ett 27-årigt litet odjur med ett stort hjärta. Efter en en tre-årig filmutbildning på högskolan Dalarna, med huvudinriktning manusförfattande, samlar hon nu på erfarenheter, karaktärer och miljöer inför framtida manus. För tillfället är hon bosatt på Gran Canaria och arbetar som fitness-instruktör. Håll i hatten och följ med på äventyret!
3 kommentarer:
Hey I'd like to thank you for such a great made site!
Was thinking this would be a nice way to make my first post!
Edwyn Sammy
if you're ever bored check out my site!
[url=]elmo Party Supplies[/url].
Thank you very much, Edwyn Sammy! I sure will check out you site, but link me again. That one didn't work, i'm sorry.
Thanks again!
Take care!
Bonjour I'd love to thank you for such a great made forum!
Just thought this is a nice way to introduce myself!
In order to acquire revenue it is usually a good idea to begin a savings or investing plan as early in life as obtainable. But don't despair if you have not thought of saving your money until later on in life. As a result of hard work, that is consulting the best investment vehicles for your capital you can slowly but surely increase your wealth so that it adds up to a huge sum by the period you want to retire. Contemplate all of the applicable asset classes from stocks to real estate as investments for your money. A smartly diversified portfolio of investments in different asset classes will help your money expand through the years.
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