Once upon a time


lördag 9 januari 2010

My future is wide open

Den här videon/låten är så bövligt bra! ÄLSKA TOM PETTY!
Att mitt wildcard, Johnny "too hot to handle" Depp, försigkommer i en video om (min) framtid(en) ser jag som ett "litet" plus i kanten. ;)

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Hey I'd like to thank you for such a great made site!
Was thinking this would be a nice way to make my first post!

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Carina sa...

Thank you very much, Edwyn Sammy! I sure will check out you site, but link me again. That one didn't work, i'm sorry.

Thanks again!

Take care!

Anonym sa...

Bonjour I'd love to thank you for such a great made forum!
Just thought this is a nice way to introduce myself!
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